Are you comfortable meeting new people?
Do you enjoy working with senior citizens?
Do you want to truly make a difference in someone's life?
Are you concerned about the effects of COVID-19 isolation in long-term care settings?
The Kitsap Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program needs volunteer advocates!
Volunteers devote four or more hours per week visiting with residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult family homes, and their families. They get to know them personally, so they can assist them in achieving quality care and can respond to their individual concerns. Initial four day certification training is provided, and will begin this spring.
All applicants must show proof of being fully vaccinated & boosted and wear personal protective equipment as required. For an application packet or more information, please email: Dana Gargus at dgargus@co.kitsap.wa.us
Here's some additional information about the Ombudsman Program:
What is a Long-Term Care Ombudsman and why are they needed?
The overall purpose of the Ombudsman Program is to ensure the dignity, rights and well-being of individuals living in long-term care.
A Long-Term Care Ombudsman, staff or volunteer, is a person trained, certified, and authorized by the Washington State Ombudsman Program to advocate for residents in long-term care facilities.
Ombudsmen are needed to assist residents and their families in achieving the highest level of quality of life and quality of care, which is a right guaranteed to residents by law.
What does an Ombudsman do?
A LTC Ombudsman provides residents with easy access to a personal, on-site advocate who is mandated to work only on behalf of residents. In Washington state, a LTC Ombudsman:
Visits their assigned facilities on a weekly basis, spending about 4 hours/week working on behalf of residents;
Works to resolve issues of resident care, resident rights, family matters, and finances;
Makes it his/her business to get to know the residents, their families and staff;
Consults with residents and helps residents get answers to their questions or concerns;
Refers potential cases of abuse, neglect, retaliation or coercion to authorities.
Become a Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman
The Washington State Ombudsman Program has been organized to utilize highly trained community volunteers to supplement the work of a small staff. The State of Washington authorizes the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman to delegate authority (to advocate on behalf of LTC residents) to visiting ombudsmen who are willing to undergo certification training, and work under the principles and guidelines set by the LTC Ombudsman Program.
Currently, there are over 500 Certified LTC Ombudsmen in Washington State. More Ombudsmen are needed to advocate for residents and their families, as the number of people residing in long-term care increases.
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is an organized nationwide effort with programs in every state, federally mandated to provide effective advocacy and support to residents in a variety of long term care settings.