There are plenty of home improvement projects that will add value to your home if you're selling and add comfort to your home if you're staying put. One of these home improvement projects is clearing out pet odors from your house.
Lingering smells from dogs are particularly unpleasant — and worst of all, you may have become so desensitized to them that you can't sense them at all! Regardless if you're planning to sell or planning to entertain guests, here are a few easy home improvement tips for removing dog odors from your home.
Regularly Steam Clean Carpets Carpet fibers will trap pet odors and require much more than a simple vacuum treatment to remove them. Steam clean your carpets regularly, ensuring they are completely dry before your dog gets back on them.
Wash Hard Flooring Weekly Although solid flooring won't trap odors as strongly as carpets do, they can still hold onto these smells. Along with vacuuming your floors for pet hair, wash them every week or two with soap and water.
Use Furniture Covers Even if your dog is not allowed to sit on your bed or couch, your furniture can still hold onto pet odors. One home improvement hack is to purchase washable furniture covers that you can clean periodically to remove the smells and prevent them from getting on your clothing.
Clean Dog Beds Regularly No matter how often your dog uses their bed, it only takes one long nap to make it smell. Another home improvement hack is to purchase a dog bed that either has a washable cover or that can be cleaned easily to remove smells and stains.
Throw Away Stinky Items Unfortunately, some of your items may be too stinky to save even with the most thorough of home improvement cleaning projects. Don't be afraid to throw items like dog beds or blankets away and replace them with fresh items.
Purchase Specialty Cleaners Not all cleaning products are strong enough to remove pet odors. However, pet-specific cleaners are. Purchase specialty cleaners designed to remove dog odors for maximum effectiveness.
Create Natural Cleaners Many pet owners don't want to use artificial chemicals in their home, especially on surfaces where their pets lay. Thankfully, you can create safe, homemade cleaners to remove pet odors. For instance, let baking soda sit overnight on the carpet, then vacuum it up or spritz surfaces with a little vodka, which will remove odors as the alcohol evaporates.
Locate Problem Areas Since pet odors can linger, dogs may gravitate to those spaces and make them smell worse. Locate and treat these problem areas to eliminate the smell.
Purify the Air One way to eliminate odors without completing a home improvement project is to purify your home's air. Open windows to air out your home and change your ventilation filters regularly to cut down on unpleasant smells. You should also consider purchasing an air purifier if the smell becomes too much.
Keep Your Pup Clean Keeping unpleasant odors away involves more than home improvement cleaning projects. You should also make sure your pet is regularly groomed and bathed so that they smell fresh and stay healthy.
Your home doesn't have to smell like you own a dog! Clean your home and four-legged friend consistently to eliminate strong odors from your house.
Article Submitted by:
Kathleen Weyand, Realtor, Coldwell Banker Bain