Have you thought about sharing your home?
Do you have an extra room in your home that you're considering renting out, or are you looking for a room to rent?
If so, please consider becoming a Fishline HomeShare Participant.
Shared housing offers affordability, security, mutual support, and more. Your arrangement can be based on rent, services, or a combination of rent and services. Fishline's HomeShare program can help you find shared housing in Kitsap County.
If you're interested in participating in the Fishline HomeShare program as a housing provider or a housing seeker:
Fill out an application and you'll be connected with a facilitator who will work with you to find a compatible match
The HomeShare program can help you to:
Building a profile for yourself
Identify your needs and wants in a roomate
Conduct background and reference checks
Provide information and resources for guidance
Make referrals to potential HomeShare matches
For more information, contact the Emily Klein, HomeShare program coordinator at:
homeshare@fishlinehelps.org or call (360) 229-2503
Look for additional information for the Fishline HomeShare program in our September E-newsletter:
1) The “big picture” issue of housing for seniors (the desire of many to age in place versus the cost-burden of mortgage/property taxes/home services on a fixed income, safety at home, the cost of in-home care, etc.)
2) Concerns people may have about shared living
3) How Fishline’s program has been designed to address these concerns