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Family Dinners are a great way to socialize

Family support means the provision of peer delivered services to people defined as family to the individual. It includes support to caregivers at community meetings, assistance to families in system navigation and managing multiple appointments, supportive home visits, peer support, parent mentoring and coaching, advocacy, and furthering efforts to develop natural and informal community supports. Any and all means of support for your loved ones.


End-of-life planning is the process of making decisions and getting your affairs in order in preparation for when you pass away. This includes important decisions about your property, healthcare, finances, and more. By creating an end-of-life plan, you can relieve your family members of a huge administrative burden.


PEACE OF MIND GUIDE: Johanna Munson is a highly practical yet deeply spiritual entrepreneur whose soul-centered leadership brings you peace of mind through End of Life planning. As the CEO of End of Life Resources, LLC, she supports adults to face the often-challenging conversations and decisions around End of Life planning. Johanna is a life-long educator and coach, and brings her deep appreciation for the human capacity for continued growth to her work with clients. Planning brings peace, and that is her wish for all.

Serving individuals and families across the U.S., 206-825-9780, 




The word technology on its own refers to the application of scientific know how for practical purposes. Information technology refers to anything related to computing technology. The Internet, for example, comes under the umbrella term IT. So does computer hardware, software, and networking. Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. ... Users engage with social media via computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or web application, often utilizing it for messaging.


DIGITAL HELPMATES:  We provide a highly personalized approach to computer tutoring and remote admin assistance. We best serve our clients by offering highly personalized tech help and never automating the human element out of our business. We offer computer tutors for home users, and we specialize in beginning & intermediate users!  Need help learning how to use your smartphone, or other devices? We got you!  Call TODAY @ (360) 712-0445 OR visit our website @ 



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